Real contractions will get stronger and closer together over time. False labor will usually continue to hurt about the same and stop, rather than get closer together.
The doctor said she wanted me to do the membrane sweep because my cervix was soft. And how frequent my contractions were they said I was in active labor and then it just stopped
@Lydia so they wanted to do it because your labor isn't progressing? The way my provider described it to me was, that with a sweep it'll help release some hormones that will hopefully kick start labor but that isn't always the case BUT worth a try if you don't want to be induced
Yes they are leaving the option up to me I am going to an appointment tomorrow and asking about this and if they recommend it. But I'm a first time mom and nothing is happening she is just moving down towards my vag but that's it
You should ask your provider but I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t get a membrane sweep done if you’re having contractions/already in labor