This happened to me last week, but I chose to stay at home until 24hr mark to see what happened. Contractions came about 15hrs after waters went. Hadn’t progressed much by 24hrs so went in, but got an amazing midwife who heard my concerns about not wanting to be induced and she had me feeling so relaxed and taken care of baby was born in 2 hours with no intervention ☺️ good luck!
Oh wow that’s amazing for you guys! Were they vaginal births?? I think I’m going to be put on antibiotics and a pessary but just for a few hours to see if it kicks off anything. But this is at the 18hr mark. I never wanted an induction either that’s why I’m so far gone! X
( I’m 41+2 ) x
Maybe you could ask to push it to 24hrs or longer? The risk (although still tiny) increases at 24, some trusts go by 18hrs to be cautious. Either way it won’t be long before baby is in your arms 🥰
For my first, waters broke at 12am at 38+2 Was told to go home and contractions started 7hrs later, baby born 38+3 in 45min active labour
Hi, yes mine went 32 hours before baby was born. I went in after about 28/29 hours and was put on an antibiotics drip but no indiction drip as I was having pains/ tightening