Learnt from last time: lip balm, hair bobbles, long phone charger and a fan.
I packed alot of what has been in mentioned but in reality what I really used was, some form of entertainment before hand so magazines etc as we were last on list. Portable charger as you can't move for ages afterwards so easier, a fan (was sooo hot), snacks as they didn't feed me for ages, flip flops and disposable pads. For baby nappies, a couple of outfits inc hats, blanket, formula. I was only in for one night when I had one so really didn't end up using much, stayed in the gown too the whole time
Disposable pants Breast pads Pre made formula (even if planning to breastfeed) Nappies At least 4 outfits for baby PJ’s for you 2-3x Slippers / flip flops Snacks!!!!! A supportive pillow (took a v pillow with me and it was hugely helpful) Cotton wool or wipes for baby Shower items Toothbrush & paste Paracetamol (they do give you meds but my aftercare was slow and I was left in pain for hours at times) A small handheld fan if possible - the ward can be warm 🥵 Hope this helps x