Labor Induction

My Ob asked if I wanted to be induced ? What are the pros and cons of it? My first one came on his own. Second is a girl; heard girls are harder 😭 and im terrified of it Will it be fast ?
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I was induced because I went a day or two past my due date and unfortunately, my fluids were low so I had to be. It’s kind of a long process. In my opinion they first take you into a room to evaluate you then they take you into another room before the delivery room if there is no room available yet. They insert this pill that dissolves to help soften your cervix. I personally recommend getting the epidural before you get your Pitocin because the contractions will come on hard. It all depends how fast you dilate. It could be somewhat fast, but it could take long as well. I was in labor for 32 hours total.

My induction was not good. I had to have an emergency C Section. I was 13 days past my due date so it had to be done, but I wish they had just gone for the C Section and skipped the induction because my blood pressure is still high 5 weeks postpartum

If you are able to have her come on her own opt for that instead. Pitocin will only make your contractions feel more intense which is a ripple effect for you to have to get more medical interventions as the process continues. It can also put your baby in distress which can lead to them telling you to get a c section if they deem necessary. I got pitocin when I had my son & honestly wish I never had it only made my labor process longer & harder.

I got induced with oxytocin. Everyone has different experiences and I was nervous when my dr asked and I said yes. Just trust yourself and realize you can’t control the process of birth! Just gather info from other moms and Google and weigh your options. whatever you choose, safe delivery mama!

My first two came on their own. My last baby water broke at 4:45 am and they started the pitocin about 12 hours later the labor pains were so much worse than going naturally.

I wouldn’t do it unless it’s medically necessary. Inductions are supposed to be for medical reasons only. Your doctor telling you this most likely wants to be able to schedule your birth and be done with it. Inductions increase risks. You can absolutely say no. Don’t say yes just because your doctor said it or your doctor wants to be home for diner cause they don’t wanna be on call cause at the end of the day, you will live with your experience, not them. Some women who have elective inductions do fine but many non medical inductions end up in emergency cesareans. Inductions makes labor longer, more painful and can easily send baby in distress. Research all the methods of inductions and their side effects. I had positive medically necessary inductions but that’s because as a doula I knew everything and was able advocate for myself and avoid emergencies.

i was induced and honestly the only part i didn’t like about it is they kept me on a clear liquids diet like gatorade and broth stuff like that. but they called me in and i checked into the hospital around noon and less than 24 hours i had my baby. the balloon they put in you does get uncomfortable especially when you get up to go use the bathroom but other than that i loved it. the nurses and doctors were friendly and i didn’t have a bad experience. imo it depends on where you go and every body is different. i had to get induced because i couldn’t risk going over my due date due to high amniotic fluid but i enjoyed my experience. i had a great experience but as you can tell that’s not the case for everybody. just listen to your gut and only you know what’s right for your body. good luck mama

I was induced i'd definitely get the epidural. I was 4cm dilated when the process started and was at 9cm probably 10-12 hours later. I ended up needing an emergency C-section bc stinker had the cord around his neck and my cervix got hard out of nowhere and they said I could basically bleed out if I pushed. Not trying to scare you at all. Everything was fine in the end and honestly I'm glad I didn't have to push out my 10lb. 4oz monster lol. I have no complaints other than I was obviously scared for my baby's safety.

Induction increases your chance of having to get a C-section

Let your body do its job on its own. I’ve had 2 natural labors and 1 induction. The contractions aren’t natural at all. There’s no gradual progression like natural labor. I felt like nothing was happening and then everything was happening at once. My labor was so long and painful and I felt like I had no time to breathe. I wasn’t allowed to move around at all and was stuck in bed which now is hilarious to me because they put me on a timeline to have her but then didn’t let me do anything to help me progress. I had to push on my back which was horrible and unnatural and again, the contractions were so close together and hurt worse than any contractions I’ve ever had so I wasn’t able to push effectively which took a huge toll on my body. If there’s no valid medical reason to be induced I would highly recommend staying away from it. Your chances of having to have emergency intervention greatly increases with being induced. I wish that I never let myself be talked into being induced.

@✨Wis 🇭🇹 thank you!! No not medically necessary she just asked if I wanted too but I don’t. I want everything natural and if I could I want to experience my water breaking With my first I went in on my own at 4cm dilated and had to get my water broken at 7cm And I didn’t get an epidural which she was close into giving it to me without asking until I spoke up and said no don’t want it.

I had an induction with my first - it was pretty straight forward despite needing other interventions. I’d gone in for monitoring, doc said things don’t look great, refused the early epidural (offered before pitocin), was 3cm when pitocin started and just under 4hrs later my baby was in my arms. My second was booked for a Friday. Ob app on the Tuesday and I had a sweep, was 4cm. He came the same day as my sweep

My induction was 5 days long cause my boy didn’t want to budge 😂 I had literally every single induction method they offer he eventually came out with the hormone drip at 39 weeks… they did push for a c-section multiple times but I refused, I said unless me or my baby are in distress then I will continue as naturally as possible

the gender has nothing to do with it. and you’ll never know how it will go until it happens! i say don’t do it if there’s no medical reason, let your baby and body do their thing. you did it before with no intervention, you can do it again

I was induced with the gel and I was in labour for 6 hours. Had no problems plus I gave birth to a healthy beautiful girl! Everyones experience is different and your body will react in its own way. Honestly I wouldn't stress too much x

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Personally my induction was longer, and my labour was way more painful that my first, just my experience though. The birth was generally easy going with no complications or a need for any emergency measures.

Drs aren't supposed to be offering induction unless it's medically necessary. Please don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want. Baby's come when they're ready, not by the due date. Due dates are only a estimate they can be completely off too. In the states they offer inductions more because more procedures make them more $$$ most babies are born after 40 weeks though. If your getting closer to the 42 week mark I would maybe do a sweep, if that doesn't work your dr will make you get an induction probably or they'll monitor baby every day to make sure they're ok. The city I live in Canada if you have a midwife your care will be switched to an OB at 42 weeks since you're now considered "high risk" every city is different though. They'll say the risk for your baby to be still born will double at 42 weeks but that means it'll go from like 1% to 2% or something silly. My first baby came on her due date and my second came at 41 weeks 2 days. I've heard of mom's going past 42 weeks and all good

Unnecessary inductions are way harder than natural labour. They force you and your baby instead of you 2 doing it the way your both designed to. They can be way more painful as well since you are rushing you and your baby. Sometimes they don't work either and moms have to go in for an emergency c section (ouu more money for healthcare system) .

I would avoid induction unless there’s a reason it’s necessary I’ve had to have 2 and they were long winded!

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