Taking a baby to a funeral?

Hey folks, looking for a bit of advice on what to do. My Nana sadly passed away on Sunday and her funeral is in a few weeks, I have no idea if I should bring my daughter (she’ll be 6 months) or get a friend to look after her. On one hand, I think she’ll bring a lot of happiness. She got to meet my Nana lots of times (not that she’ll remember of course lol), and my Nana loved her so much. On the other hand, I’m worried shes going to sit and make lots of noise. She doesn’t cry much but does like to go raaahh for hours at a time - cute, but maybe not at a funeral. Feels like whatever I choose to do is going to be the wrong thing!
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I took my baby to my grandfather’s funeral. Everyone was really happy to have her there. She started making some noise during the service and no one cared, but my husband walked around the back of the church with her when she was getting a bit too loud, so I could cry without holding her. I’d say as long as you have someone to step in and help, do it.

I would say depends on culture, mine they don’t allow babies or small children because of the ceremonies we do that call to our ancestors to come get our loved ones and sometimes people want to stay and since their bodies are so new and not fully connected to the earth some one could switch with them.

I don't see any issues at taking a baby or kid any age to a funeral. It's part of life and they are part of our family. If you feel confortable letting your baby to your friend that's very valid too. I just mean that there no moral issue or trauma at bringing them to funeral and always having an age appropriate honest explanation to them. (Not for a 6months old tho). I'm very sorry for your loss.

I’m sorry for your loss 😔 My baby was about the same age when my brother died. I took the decision for a friend to take her for the service, but planned that they would join us for the wake. Totally your call x

Sorry for your loss. X

I took my then 12 month old to a funeral. I did have to take him outside toward the end of the church service but he did great. I was very nervous but you gotta do whatcha gotta do. I’m sorry about your nana🕊️

Thank you for the responses already! My husband is coming so if she does come along he could be on baby duty. We don’t really have any special ceremonies (we’ll be doing a video of photos throughout her life and various readings and speeches, and some of her favourite music), but @Karrena that sounds like a beautiful part of a funeral and I completely get no babies or children for that! I’m so sorry for your loss too @Hannah, I also can’t believe I didn’t think of that as an option. That might be a happy medium for us so thank you very much for the idea x

We took my 5 month old to my grampa’s funeral, I fed him right before & he stayed in a carrier and slept most of it!x

I brought my son who was a month old to my husbands great grandmas funeral and he did amazing thru it and ppl seemed more upbeat afterwards at a lunch that he was there . My husbands great grandma only met my son once bc of how little he was but she was on hospice and she was introduced to him. We had an he drive to the funeral and then we changed his diaper and carried him for a bit and then I fed him a bottle and then he slept thru the rest of the service till after at the lunch when other relatives wanted to meet him and have a reason to cheer up

I brought my 10month old to my dads funeral. They bring joy on such a sad day, and husband was on hand to whisk her away if she got too much xx sorry for your loss

My son came to my grandma's funeral when he was 5 months old. He did start getting fussy, but someone else held him for me so I could be present for the funeral.

I'm a big believer that children should attend funerals, death is after all part of life. If you feel they will be loud, I'd suggest speaking to who is leading the funeral and asking if there is somewhere discreet you could take them to (if it's not obvious).

I had someone watch our lg for my mums funeral (10mths old) then she came to the wake after. It was perfect because everyone got to say goodbye peacefully but then really enjoyed having a baby around afterwards. So sorry for your loss xx

My son came to both my brother and my dad's funerals

I'm so sorry for you! My mum passed when my LG was 3 weeks old and was 5/6 weeks when the funeral happened. As she was so young I had a friend meet me at the crematorium and walk round with her and then I had her straight back afterwards. It was lovely having her at the wake as it gave me something to keep me distracted and something to make everyone smile xx

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I took my 2.5 uear old to my mums in July much against people's opinions. The way I saw it was that this is my daughters nan and she may not understand the concept but my mum believed kids should go to funerals and I think she wouldve like that all her grandkids were there. My partner was on hand to take her out if she made a scene to which she did at the last few minutes . It's entirely up to you.

My daughter is 3 and my nan passed away 2 months ago, we had the choice to take our daughter, but i decided not to as no other younger children were going and she wouldn't really understand what was going on

My poor little sausage (nearly 7 months) has been to 2 funerals already; a friend of mines mum & our next door neighbour who watched me grow up. We just sat near the door so if she screamed or anything, we could take her out. She was as good as gold though. It also brought a real sense of joy to those who were hurting particularly badly. I would just question whether your nanna would want her there? I know my neighbour most definitely would have. So sorry for your loss. Take care xx

It's my nans funeral tomorrow and my toddler is staying at home and coming to the wake and my husband is looking after my 7 month old outside. We're only bringing her along as she might need feeding! My Nan loved my girls so would be glad they're coming to the wake xxx

My Partners dad passed away recently and we took both my 3 year old and baby luckily the baby slept through and we had milk on hand to keep him quite… Also a lot of people actually offered to take them out needs be which was really kind and thoughtful We had a funeral when my now three year old was a baby and opted not to take him and take him to the wake and it was a lot of driving back and forward and we actually missed a lot of family time Sorry for your loss ♥️ I vote take x

My father in law died when our little boy was 5 days old, we brought him to funeral and everyone seemed really happy to meet him ❤️

Whatever you choose is the right thing. If you take her, someone might have to stand in the hallway with her if she’s loud. If that’s okay, take her. If it’s not okay, don’t take her. So sorry for your loss

Unfortunately we’ve had 2 funerals since our daughter was born (now 7 months) and we didn’t take her to either. Mainly because it’s an emotional time and the last thing we wanted to do was have to walk out for her getting restless. But I would say it’s completely up to you and what you feel comfortable with. Sorry for your loss x

Thank you everyone for sharing experiences and thoughts. It’s really appreciated and gave us some food for thought - I think I’d been too emotional to really sit and have a practical think on it. I’ve talked with my husband and I think we’re going to have my friend look after her during the service and bring her to the wake. We think she might bring a bit of welcome distraction for us. We’ve also decided that me being away from her for a full day would probably make me feel a lot worse and I’d constantly want to check my phone to check in and see if she’s ok Thank you all again ❤️

Sorry for your loss. I took my 5 week old to my mother in law's wake (we didn't have a full funeral as she didn't want one) and my niece was also there who was 15 months old. They both brought a lot of joy to a miserable day x

I took my 2 month old to my Nan’s funeral. She did cry initially but everyone was really kind and the vicar especially told me beforehand not to worry. Babies cry and it’s a sound of life - which is to be celebrated especially when life is so precious and short. She quietened quickly as I just walked her up and down the side aisle while the service was going. She fed and then fell asleep. We did sit at the end of the row so my husband could quickly take her out if needed. She brought so much joy and was a lovely sign to everyone of my Nan’s generational line continuing! I’m so sorry for your loss, praying it’s a peaceful day full of joy and happy memories for your lovely Nana as you all grieve and process xx

I think you should just do what you feel is right. My situation was a bit different as my daughter had just turned 1 when my mum passed away. I took her because my mum adored her and she adored my mum. She actually sat fairly quietly as she had this little wooden hippo with her. She looked up at the screen with all the lovely photos and music etc. It actually got me through the funeral as just when I thought I was going to cry uncontrollably she would do somthing that distracted me momentarily. If baby really starts kickimg off you can just get somone to take them out the room. No one will be offended. Im very sorry for you loss ❤️ x

I took my 8 week old to my grandmas funeral. He did bring a lot of happiness to the day, he slept all the way through and wasn’t a bother. Newborn sleepiness definitely helped. I left our daughter (2.5yo) with my in-laws for the day. I guess 6 months you could get away with it, just make sure she’s fed or feeding during the service and take a quiet toy for her and then she’s happy and sit in an position that you can get up easily to sooth her away from the service or have a partner / someone who is happy to take her if you want to stay. My husband would have taken my little one out but he was fine and honestly he was my little security blanket as it was an emotional service

I took my 15 month old to his grandma's funeral. He was so good during the service. He actually gave me a distraction when I was crying.

i brought my 6 month old to my uncles funeral. i was also in the funeral too which was a hard day. i had my bf sit in the back with my son while i was in the funeral and I went back to nurse him when he needed it. My bf sat in the back just in case my son started yelling lol but he brought a lot of joy and finally got to meet a lot of my side of the family!

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