What are we doing re the milk? I would love to breastfeed but I’ve been told to buy enough starter pack just in case. Each bib is 70ml and baby won’t have it all at first . Hospital said they don’t store it so will it go to waste? Also they told me to bring power bank as I cannot charge phone there, how will I heat up the milk? Do they have facilities for this? Sorry for silly questions xx
@ambra I'm not sure because at my local hospital if you intend to BF they don't expect you to take back up formula , if it was needed , they provide it. The ready made bottles are easier to use if formula feeding, but baby will probabky take roughly 5 ml at a time , possibly 10, and the milk lasts an hour once they've started to drink it, so there would be a lot of waste. They usually have a room with a , bottle warmer steriliser etc for those formula feeding but tbh my first 2 just had room temperature milk. So much easier than faffing with warming. Xx
I asked my midwife whether we should bring any formula and she said if we’re intending to breastfeed there is no need to as there’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to breastfeed (I’m still not sure there isn’t cases where milk doesn’t come in?). I will also be collecting colostrum before birth so might bring that in but I haven’t considered how/storage.
Hey! I’m using the NHS list here: https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/pregnancy/preparing-for-labour-and-birth/hospital-bag-checklist/ My friend recommended using ziplock bags to assemble outfits for baby, some up to 1 month size and some 0-3 months size, and label them with the size so you don’t have to dig through everything - my plan is to do 3 baggies of each size, with a short or long sleeve undershirt and a sleep suit in each. I’m also taking a ziplock bag of size 0 and 1 nappies each :)