I don't have any experience with c section however with my first I was in labour for 48 hours with forceps. Then with my second, little man came so quick I didn't make it to hospital, gave birth on my mums landing with my then 3 year old next to me!... Your second birth might be different to your first! I was terrified about my 2nd birth too, I hope your okay hun!x
I don’t have c section experience however my first labour was induced, 27 hours long and I had an episiotomy with so much pain and discomfort afterwards . My second labour was 3 hours long with no tears or anything and literally no pain or discomfort after plus baby no 2 was 9lbs 2oz so over 1lbs bigger than my first. Every labour is so different plus your body has already done it before so it should be much more straightforward and quicker next time round. Also regarding childcare - we didnt necessarily plan as such but my parents knew to expect a call at any point day or night. My mums work were aware she might need to take emergency leave to look after my toddler and my parents knew they might get a call in the middle of the night
@Laura Thank you xxx
@Sophie Thank you xx
@Franki thank u xxx
I tore bad my first time and had no epidural. Then I had an emergency C-section. I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS OPT FOR A C SECTION UNLESS I HAD TO. IT WRECKED MY SHIT.
@Tiffany Oh wow really???
I was induced, had failed forceps and then emergency c section. I think it was 36 hours in total. What I really wanted was a water birth. I’m not sure what I’d recommend as c section really takes some getting over and it’s made a mess of my stomach. If I was doing it again I would take advice from my doctor but preference would probably be natural (not induced) or failing that planned c section.
You could look at a doula, emergency child care cover to help look after your other child. Failing that, do you have any friends that would be on call?
For second baby labour is usually shorter and quicker if that helps!
First baby 10 hours of labour then retained placenta, haemorrhaged and needed a transfusion. Too scared to have another baby until 10 years later! Second labour (didn’t realise I was in labour!) much less pain but as the little pains were regular, went to the hospital to get checked and was already 8cm. Baby came just over an hour later and my placenta was out 2 minutes later. It was perfect! I would say try not to stress, do what feels right and go with what your body is doing and follow the midwife’s instructions x
@Claire I think it really is 50 50 on the outcome , nobody knows. I'll book the c section because it benefits my 1st child , planning, etc. And deal with the consequences, I think. I know good and bad recovery stories. I'll just take my chances I think xx
Thought I would put in a positive C-Section story in here. I was a first time Mom and opted for a C-Section as baby was measuring big and a vaginal birth scared me. It was the best experience even though I was scared, the team was amazing, everything was explained amazing by the team. The spinal wasn’t that bad at all, the most uncomfortable part of the whole thing was the tugging feeling when they were getting the baby out. Recovery is hard but it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, just stay on top of pain medication and take it easy.
@Sarah Thanks Sarah that is good to hear xx
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I also had a great, planned c-section and am having another in a few weeks. It's so calm. You know what is happening and when, so you can plan for childcare (I'm due at Christmas). Most people who have had bad c-section experiences have had emergency ones. It's a completely different scenario to a planned one, as they've already been through so much stress and trauma, and then have a surprise, rushed surgery. It's scary. A planned one is so calm that you can even pick what music to listen to in theatre. But equally, as others have said, every birth is different and chances are that your second will go much more smoothly than your first x
@Anna Thanks Anna. I have decided to go ahead with it. What happens if baby comes at 37 weeks but section not booked till 39 weeks. Do they still do the section? xx
@Sarah ditto ☺️ I also had an elective C-section because of baby being a chunky monkey. Absolutely loved the fact that nothing was rushed and everything went smoothly. Recovery time was roughly 10 days. On day 5 I went out and about and had no problems. Obviously I couldn’t run or do exercises for about a few weeks but all was well. Will always go for C-sections if choice was given. I need to add, I NEVER wanted a c section but I was advised by doctor it would be better for both me and chunky monkey.
@Lilly Ooh love hearing this , thank you xx
I totally get this dread. My first birth was really traumatic and I knew I didn't want a birth like that the 2nd time around. Someone recommended hypnobirthing to me and it was an absolute game (and life) changer.