@Jessica yes! My consultant mentioned that I would be monitored all the time and straight away and have IV antibiotics put up as soon as I’m in labour due to the GBS positive… I’m just in two minds about what to do, I’d love vaginal birth but then I don’t know whether to just eliminate the anxiety and have a planned section. 🥺 xx
@Chels🤍 honestly just go with whatever you feel better about 🥰 my VBAC was amazing despite a super bad tear, I’m expecting again and hoping for another 🤞 ideally without the tear this time 🙃🤣 good luck! Xx
@Jessica thank you lovely🥺 my heart is definitely telling me to go for the VBAC so fingers crossed. & good luck to you as well!😍🩷 xx
I’m due any day with my second (17 months after emergency c section) and had to advocate for myself but as soon as I start stating facts / evidence I’ve gathered myself they suddenly agree with me. Best thing you can do is be knowledgeable and learn to advocate for yourself, and don’t let them throw fears at you. These sources helped me https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/media/.leaflets/617fe94083a131.34062713.pdf https://www.rcog.org.uk/for-the-public/browse-our-patient-information/birth-after-previous-caesarean/ Also @vbacfacts on Instagram
@Chels🤍 I am due with my 2nd in Jan after having an emergency C-section in April 2023. Same position as you in that I want to try for a VBAC but feel anxious about my odds of success so thinking to have a planned C-section. But really really don't want the recovery that comes with that. Very torn.
@Chels🤍 I don't have a positive VBAC story. But I was recently induced for a TOLAC and was GBS+, told them I wanted to wait on the antibiotics since I knew it would be awhile and they waited about 12 hrs to give them to me. So you may be able to ask to wait on them since they need to be administered 4hrs before birth.
I had a vaginal deliver after 2 c section. I don’t think any of the reasons you had a c sections should stop you from having a vaginal delivery with this baby. And you’re two years plus out. You’re good.
I had an emergency section in July 2017 then a VBAC (induced) in November 2019, I was also GBS positive in both pregnancies! I was monitored from a few hours after my waters were broken and everything was fine x