Hey fellow Ftm - Water breaking and contractions

I know we are all going to have our own experiences and I wanna hear yall out on yours as I await mine at 40 weeks. So far ive experienced Braxton hicks on my right side, diarrhea (daily), slight cramping like menstrual & increased pelvic pressure...all while atill 2cm dilated w\ baby at station -2 and 50% effaced. Did your water break naturally? If not did you have a successful membrane sweep or manual water break? What did your contractions feel like to you?
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Waiting on baby #2 now, but with my first I only had Braxton hicks (which I had for months before labor anyways). Then randomly my water broke and I had my baby! No interventions. Contractions started a couple hours after and felt like period cramps with lower back pain. Came in waves then went away so not a constant back ache.

@Amanda thank you for sharing! Another question is for the first baby what week did you deliver?

I had to have my water broken with both kids. My contractions were strong but my water just never broke. I always got pain across my whole belly and then into my back, very intense and painful. Membrane sweep did nothing for me unfortunately!

@Grace thank you so much for sharing

Sounds similar to mine. Braxton hicks happening, I was 2cm on my due date. Ended up braxton Hicks/mild contractions happened after I was checked on my due date, but not getting closer/regular enough. Then, 3 days later in the afternoon 4pm ish, started having regular contractions every 5-7mins apart and fairly intense, was at the park with my son, went and got dinner then at like 8:30pm called triage as contractions were 2-3 mins apart but not lasting for a minute. They told me to come in, got there at 9:30 was 9cm, got on the bed and they are trying to get IV line in etc and I'm like I need to push. They got me out of assessment, water broke as they were wheeling me to a L&D room, moved onto the bed between contractions just in time for me to push baby out. Doc wasn't even ready so nurse had to catch her.

@Charlie thank you so much for sharing?

@Benet I was 39 weeks 5 days!

My water did not break on its own no contractions. My son was born after his due date so I had to get medical assistance to be induced for him to be born.

My contractions were like my period cramps which i breathed through & they were inconsistent timing wise. Went to hospital to be 8cm with a bulging bag. Water had to be broken then 8 hrs with some pictocin (failed) i had a c section which NOT ENOUGH people talk about 😩 the information overload was crazy.

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