I feel like I’ll be bald by next week! 😂I’m losing so much in the past few weeks
@Isabelle I feel like I’m going to be bald soon🤣😭
@Amy hopefully not🥺😭
Yep. I run my hand through my hair and about 10 fall out in my hand. I can’t hoover up fast enough
Girl.... The last week has been awful I had my baby on 24th June and it's just been getting worse since, to the point I'm going to have to cut it to a shoulder length bob just to make it look thicker 😭
@Nicole what a great idea 😌 my baby was born on the 23rd it’s been falling out gradually but this week I’ve lost so many hairs 😭
Yep! Started last week and now having to clear my hairbrush every single day 😅