Breathe sweet pea, use the gas and air and if you need it there is no shame in requesting perennial/compression massage or an epidural if that’s what you feel you need. You’ve got this! Baby is almost here 💕 x
Just read your post again and if you’re in this much pain at 1cm, ask for all the assistance you can get. This is your experience, no one else’s, to ensure your babies safe and stress free arrival. You’ve got this Mama xxx
My first at 6pm I was 2cm in agony he was born at 8.20pm. Don’t be disheartened things change quickly. Xx
How are you getting on??
I stopped being able to cope at 2cm. Everyone's pain threshold is different, I took all the pain relief offered including the epidural and I was expecting to need it as I know my pain threshold is trash 😂 contractions also didn't feel like how I expected - I didn't feel any tightening at all, I just felt intense aching in my pelvis x
Just here to say that dilation doesn’t really measure how long you have left. I was 4 cm dilated at 2pm (after 36 hours of contractions )and baby arrived at 4:30pm so try not let it dishearten you. You’ve got this, try some breathing techniques, shower, tens machine, keep upright and mobile or on a yoga ball