Looking for some support

Today at my 16 week (currently 17weeks) midwife appointment, I was asked about what I would like to do regarding birth. Obviously I stated VBAC. Midwife was supportive however, did say that I would be consultant led and not be able to birth at the birth centre or home. I’m not bothered about home birth but would have loved the opportunity to birth at the MLU (birth centre). The rooms are so pretty there and every room has a birthing pool etc. she also asked what I would plan to do if I went over my due date. I stated that I had read about induction etc failing and leading to emergency C-sections but that I would prefer this option before an elective. She told me that they would not really like to do an induction for VBAC candidates and would offer elective surgery if go passed due date. This has made me feel disheartened. Strangely, I sort of went through a period of grieving after not being able to birth my daughter vaginally. My last labour went like this: 40+5 weeks, felt a strange feeling so told the hospital that I believe I had reduced movements. When I went in, they monitored baby and me. Each time, I had a “contraction” (which I couldn’t feel), my babies heart rate dropped. Finally, after hours of persuading, 3 attempts to break my waters and not dilating at all, I was taken in for ECS. After which, I was told that my placenta had failed and my there was meconium in the sac - which all explains why my daughter’s heart rate had dropped. I had a successful CS and good recovery after despite having a UTI. I am reluctant to go passed my due date due to the above but any advice, reassurance, similar stories etc would be greatly appreciated. Based in UK. The hospital where I had my daughter, had been under a lot of investigating for child loss during labour as they used to refuse CSs but now it seems like it’s gone the other way and they had them out like tic-tacs. Thank you🥰
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@Chloe are you in a similar position? x

I think I will be in a similar situation if I have another baby, my first labour ended in ECS for similar reasons (meconium, heart rate dropping etc) and I do believe this is due to going overdue, so like you I would also be reluctant to go over due again but feels like a catch 22 when they don’t like inducing previous c section mums! I’m by no means an expert but I have read previously that you can ask for an “out of guidance” birth plan (I think it’s called) and request MLU etc. I’m sure you can have the balloon induction following a c section so might be worth asking about this too! Hope this helps, if you could update on what they say it would be very helpful - thank you 🙏🏻 x

Fingers crossed! I’m so desperate to have that opportunity of a VBAC this time around but equally if I didn’t follow advice the first time then the probability of my little girl being here today would be very slim x

It’s so difficult isn’t it, the drs will always be cautious but I would definitely ask for another opinion, maybe ask to speak to the consultant rather than just a midwife and they may be able to better explain your options? X

So while this will be the hospitals preferred policy, you can ask to meet with birth choices are create an ‘out of policy’ birth plan. NICE guidelines state that women should be given the option of a water birth. I think the birth centre can still turn you down if there is a medical reason (outside of just VBAC). For induction this is also your choice, they won’t do hormonal induction but can use the foley, break waters or drip. Your decision not theirs to try this. You can also go over as much as you’d like to. I found the Midwife Pip podcast on VBAC really informative and relevant to UK. I’m meeting with birth choices at 28 weeks to discuss my plan (currently 23). Midwife & OB has said VBAC is fine but would want labour ward. Best advice is to get really informed, listen to their advice but don’t think the only way is what they are saying because it’s not!

You state that your midwife was supportive, but from what was said she actually is not supportive of VBAC at all. You are the decider, if you want to birth at the MLU you do that

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