lol right!! I think we didn’t do pushing correct way then? Idk but just trying to relax pelvic muscles when going to the bathroom. I’m only 4 weeks pp but I bet when I see my pelvic floor physiotherapist- she will be able to give me some tips on how to recover quicker there. I also have second degree tear and I think it’s just muscles there that are trying to recover and a torn muscle takes time to heal and then even more time to become elastic and “normal” again
I’m not sure because my doctor and nurses were telling me to push like you are going to the bathroom. That was the only way to get him out lol I have a one degree year but that area is fine now. I drink plenty of fluids, that’s the problem I’m going to the bathroom too much lol I’m not constipated or anything.
Well I shouldn’t say too much. But, normally.
Have you tried stool softener’s? Or gentle laxative? Could be that your poop is super solid which is causing irritation.
I felt the same but only for 2 weeks. 3rd degree tear.
Hemorrhoids? Have you talked to your physician? Colace ( stool softener) once a day is what I took post partum for a while because I was afraid to poop
Same!! Drinks lots and lots of water