Start timing at the beginning of one contraction to the next. Should be a wave, getting closer together, more intense and longer. In general there is the 5,1,1 rule to go to hospital, 5 minutes apart, last 1 minute and happen for an hour. Some apps will tell you when it may be time to go to the hospital with timing contractions too
Never counted them. Which drove the hospital staff mad 🤣🙈 Just didn't see a reason for it.
I went in when I had 30mins of contractions that were 45-60secs long, that took my breath away, 2mins apart. Probably left it too late as my waters broke in the taxi, but had so many false starts earlier in the week so wanted to be sure.
@Natasha similar to me, I used an app to time them and they were 2-3 mins apart but lasting 30-45 seconds, so it was saying not ready to go in. Called triage and they told me to go in. Baby arrived after 30 minutes of being in the hospital, 10 mins of that was walking to the L&D ward
I just went in when they felt intense enough that I had to breathe through them and they still hurt, and they felt pretty consistent. In both my labours I was too distracted to even think about using an app/ timing them properly. I did write a few in my notes but it trailed off