Haha! Sounds complicated I wouldn’t bother. Bounce on your ball? Walk along the curb on and off? Sounds like you’re close! Sweep?
The night I went into labor I tried all the things and surprisingly my water broke that night (2 weeks early also )!! Walked a mile, had sex and took a warm bath ! Worked like a charm lol 😂
it worked for me! i wasn’t actively trying it just happened haha. but i don’t believe it would do anything unless your body was already getting close. sperm can soften the cervix, plus the oxytocin helps
We tried multiple times with sex. Sometimes more than once in a day. Did. O thing. I still ended up with induction 🥲
I was 4cm and throwing my 14m old in the air? I gave birth that day after a sweep. In all seriousness stay as active as you can, sec will produce oxytocin and semen will soften the cervix but staying active gets baby moving..
The prostaglandins in semen will help to soften the cervix, so if you need to use protection, then it may not be “worth” it. Other things that help ripen the cervix are eating dates & drinking red raspberry leaf tea. The other suggestions here are also great.
You could also try a vibrator but may take a time or two. If you really trust the guy, then maybe give it go but it may not work if your body just isn’t ready.
Nipple stimulation, walking , eating dates all induce labor mama. I know at the end its like ummm when is baby coming out I'm uncomfortable.
Oh and sex too it does really induce labor.
I was 3cm at 39 weeks and tried everything including sex to get her out but she was still ten days late
Worked for us 😂 sex at night on due day, waters broke at 2am the next morning
So I definitely decided to go with it today. He's clean so that wasn't a concern. Felt great and it's definitely what I needed. I've been having contractions basically since we finished. Hoping I meet my baby tomorrow or this weekend!
sex will help your body produce oxytocin, which is actually a hormone that helps the onset of contractions. Hence, when they give you Pitocin to induce labor, it’s synthetic oxytocin. And also semen can help soften your cervix, I would definitely just make sure he’s clean and there’s no risk of any infections or any diseases being transmitted to you or Baby Otherwise, I don’t see why not lol