I was induced with my first .. very traumatic experience. I went in on Sunday night and I didn’t have her until Tuesday morning at 11:01am. I went in 2 cm dilated and they used a catheter foley to force dilation. Probably the worst paid I’ve ever experienced in my life ( 1lbs weight on the end as well). I got to 4 cm and bounced on the ball and walked around. Finally at 6cm I was in active labor. They decided to break my water even though I really wasn’t feeling contractions. Then I felt contractions!! I got an epidural and I felt better but honestly the shakes were so annoying I had through out the night Monday. Since you can’t walk or anything the nurses put you in different positions to bring baby down with a peanut ball. Plenty of cervix checks ! Very uncomfortable. Btw you still have to feel your contracts in order to push so don’t push the epidural button they give you lol… With baby number 2 I plan for laughing gas and then epidural when I’m further along.
I've had two inductions. They were two very different experiences. My oldest was a medical induction at only 38 + 3. My body wasn't ready at all. Similar to above... Went in on a Friday afternoon and my son wasn't born until Sunday-3:16 am. I agree about the balloon (Foley cath) being the hardest part. With my daughter things were very different. I was 40 weeks and my body was ready. I started getting pitocin between 9-10 pm. My waters were broken around 2:30 am. She was born at 4:55 am.... Too fast for the epidural to work, so they had to take everything out/off so I could push.
With my first pregnancy I was induced at 37+6 and my body wasn’t really ready beforehand and was maybe 1cm dilated at that time. Got the fully balloon at 11am on Thursday and they started Pitocin around 1pm Thursday. Balloon was just very achy for me and a bit uncomfortable but then again I tried telling myself “I’m going to have to go through labor. This is probably nothing compared to that” and then learned to breath through and rock through the contractions. Used their bath for most of my contracting pain. Took pain meds in my IV at 10pm and had them do the epidural at 11pm at 5/6cm. They broke my water after I got the epidural. Fell asleep just after my epidural and woke up Friday morning at 5am somthing and told them I felt a lot of pressure between my legs and thought it was him and they looked and sure enough said it was head sitting there. They got everything ready and all the nurses and midwife and then I pushed for 15 mins and he was born at 6:33am.
It was honestly a great experience for me that now I am scared to have this baby because idk what it’ll be like. I will say though that after I delivered my son I was a bit woozy and unwell feeling so they had to spend extra time making sure I was okay.
My first was induced at 41 weeks. Went in at 3cm but not very effaced. Went in Sunday night, started iv, and did a ripening tablet in vagina. My heart rate was elevated (which is actually pretty normal for me) but nurses were worried and thus had me on bed rest until my doc told them to let me do what I would like. I then moved around the room and used birthing ball and my HR lowered but they didn't start pitocin until like 2am. Then increased it after Dr stopped in around 8. I just kind of chilled around watching TV. About noon dr came back and broke my water, I got an epidural at that time and that is when they did my catheter. I took a nap because I didn't really sleep that night and woke up to nurses wanting to do a cervix check and I was 9 and so everything got prepped and had baby Monday evening after 45 mins of pushing but only pushed every like 5 mins during that time due to how far apart contractions were.
Yes I wanna know too .