I’m not breastfeeding unfortunately! I expressed for 2 weeks but husband got ill and I couldn’t keep up with everything 😩
I had the same thing last week at 5 weeks PP & I believe it was my period. It lasted around 5 days
Nearly 30 weeks PP and now happened yet but I'm exclusively pumping. It probably is your period it can come back quiet quickly when you don't breast feed
Had my baby 4 months ago. Not breastfeeding - still no period, kinda happy about that, kinda low key worried.
I had my first one at 12 weeks PP, I believe it lasted a full week and did come back with a vengeance. It was a few weeks late this time around but was definitely more manageable and lasted 5 days this time around. I formula feed.
@Georgia was it ridiculously heavy?
@Rebekah no not really! I was surprised I thought it would have been. But I did have the coil fitted after my c section so that could be why x
Depends, are you breastfeeding? Because that will delay period returning if so, I’m 5 months PP but no period due to breastfeeding