I had mild contractions 10min-ish apart when my waters broke 41+1 midnight, (only a trickle), they confirmed it at the hospital, got sent back home, contractions phased out during the day, I only had a few, then to 15-10min apart close to midnight, but they never got closer than 5-6min. They allowed me to wait in hospital on antibiotics an additional 12hours, but no change so had to be induced with hormone drip.
I had this and because my contractions didn't start after 24 hours i had to go in to hospital be induced. Xxx
I had this with my first and contractions started 7hrs later
I had this with my first. My body didn’t contract naturally, was induced after 24 hours x
I had this with my first and second, contractions started about 24-30 hours after. Second time they wanted to induce me and have antibiotics. I took the antibiotics but declined the induction as I knew my body would start the contractions itself like it did the first time. Have a read up xx
You don't have to go be induced. Risk increases after 72 hours. Have a research and see what you want to do. Most people will labour within 48 hours
Yes, my boy didnt come within 24 hours i had to be on the hormone drip
I had this, I waited 3 and a half days for contractions to kick in. Really pushed our luck but no still nothing and got induced after 80+ hours. It was hind waters that broke, looking back probably not enough pressure to open up the cervix
Thank Ladies, really helpful to hear your experiences x
I was the same! They put me on the hormone drip after 24 hours of waters breaking but sadly I ended up having a c-section because I wouldn’t dilate more that 4cm and baby was stressed and pooped in me xx
My waters broke at 8pm and kept coming out. I called the hospital and they had me in for an assessment and confirmed they had broken but sent me home due to not being in active labour. At home I tried to sleep but I kept getting gushes of water so a lot of pants and pads were changed!! I’m a first time mum so wasn’t sure what to expect but then my contractions started at 3:26am! Went to hospital at 6 am and he arrived at 11am
I had this last week. Waters broke at 2:45am Sunday morning and had the big gush! I had contractions but they weren't progressing in the way we'd hoped. Ended up being induced Monday morning where the drip piggy backed on to what my body was already doing. Had a natural delivery. Baby wasn't stressed and my obs stayed the same. Ended up choosing the induction on the advice of my mum because I was exhausted and needed the help. My contractions stayed at every 30-40 minutes so I couldn't get any sleep.
Same here! My waters broke at 2:30am on Wednesday (my actual due date!), went to the hospital to be checked and then back home. They said that it’s totally normal not having contractions right away and recommended doing all the things at home to increase oxytocin and kick start labour. My contractions started about 5-6 hours later but after about 24 hours, they still weren’t regular/frequent enough so went back to hospital to be induced in the labour ward. Ended up having a vaginal delivery with no complications.
I had this with my first and had to be induced 24 hours after my waters broke.