@Esmeralda did it break during or after 😭 I want this to happen to me LOL
Breast pumping! 😌
Or try a membrane sweep
Ok thank you
I'm in the same boat. Besides sex 😭
@Vanessa really??!!! I want to do that but then how will I give my baby the colostrum? Colostrum has the most beneficial nutrients in it. I've been eating six dates a day and that has done nothing LOL
@Vanessa what is a membrane sweep?
@Sasha colostrum doesn’t run out even if you start early. Your body will know when your baby is out and a few days later start producing the real milk. So you’re not wasting it! You can also collect the colostrum while still pregnant and have a bigger stash when baby’s out :)
@Sasha “A membrane sweep, also known as a cervical sweep or membrane stripping, is a procedure that involves a healthcare provider separating the amniotic sac from the cervix to induce labor”
@Vanessa ooohhh okay!! I have an induction set already, I just wanted to try to do it at home. I think I will pump!!! I just bought collection bags last night, and the pumps all charged up!! 😁🩷
Why won’t my Dr let me get induced
@Amya usually without medical reasons, elective induction are after 39 weeks depending on the doctor some not til 41 weeks
Sex got my water to break at 39 weeks