I’m booked in for 41+5 (Friday) but honestly change my mind daily and have thought about bringing it forward
I’m booked in for tomorrow at 41+1 and was excited to start things and I think have an element of ‘control’ but I’ve had some unsupportive messages since telling my family and am now doubting everything and not sure if I should push it back or that is just wasting time because my partner and I wanted to get the ball rolling. I’ve had 2 sweeps that were 4 days apart and had no change but was told cervix is soft and 2cm dialated but nothing else seems to be happening.
I was induced at 41+3 (but timing was partly because they don’t induce at weekends in my hospital) and had my baby the same day. Try not to be pressured either way, it’s your decision at the end of the day. I was so uncomfortable and couldn’t bear to be pregnant any longer so feel it was the right decision for me, but appreciate some people prefer to wait until baby is ‘ready’.
@Rosie the fact you had baby the same day as induction gives me great hope for mine on Friday!
I got induced at 3:30pm at 41 weeks (second baby) and baby was born 10:50pm same day. I honestly found it a really positive experience Knowing when i was going in took all the confusion away for me after having several frustrating false alarms and also meant i actually got pain relief with this baby which I didn’t have time for with my first
I wanted to avoid induction this time around but had a good experience with my first so decided to book it in for 42 weeks exactly if nothing had happened before then. I went for my first sweep at 41+5 and they confirmed I was a stretchy 3-4cm dilated and the sweep actually ended up breaking my waters! I had my baby at 41+6, 12 hours after my sweep.
Thank you ladies, I’m sticking to my decision and going in today. Fingers crossed things move quickly x
I opted for induction after my midwife appointment at 40+3, they called me at 40+4/40+5 & booked me in for 41+4, & baby arrived at exactly 42 weeks.