Toddler life is hard

My little girl is 18 months old, newborn and infant was a breeze but I’m struggling with this toddler phase😔 Feel like such a bad mum that I’m really struggling with her, she hits, she throws things, started now with tantrums, becomes really naughty when she’s tired, I feel like I’m just failing at being a parent during this toddler stage😔 We’re not even in the terrible twos yet😭😭 please let me know I’m not alone
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Yeah I'm finding it hard sometimes too, we seem to have really good days then some really bad days where I just have no patience and feel awful for getting frustrated with her. Keep trying to remind myself that it's not her fault she's just dealing with bigger emotions than she's used to etc and trying to not feel as stressed with it! X

The terrible twos for us wasn't even bad and nor is 3 years old (obviously hard days) but I think right now with the toddlers not being able to communicate fully etc and the frustration, that's why this stage is so hard, but it does get easier I promise. Just see you are pregnant too, so that doesn't help with how you're feeling, but just know you are bossing it and no one does it better than you in the eyes of your child ❤

Definitely the hardest stage for me! All their big emotions and frustration to communicate

Yep I walk in to the kitchen and leave her to have a tantrum so she can't hit me she will just end up sitting down and having a cry then I go in again and give her a snuggle but I find sitting down with them and getting something to play with really helps distract from the tantrum but sometimes I do need to just walk away because it's overwhelming and I won't be good for her when I'm feeling like that so I take a breather and leave her to it then go back

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