@Amy what happened next? If you don’t mind me asking?
They leave in for 24 hours and let them get to work. Your cervix is supposed to soften and dilate. I was still only 1cm but they done a good sweep and my waters broke later that night x
Thanks @Amy - yes, had mine in for 24hrs and nothing happened. So maybe I’ll ask for a sweep - see what happens
I had two rounds of the rods and then the hormone gel and then waters broke naturally and a very quick birth
@Hannah was you hoping for a vbac? Also how far along was you for each round of rods and the hormone gel?
I had my baby last week and had the dilapan rods on the Saturday night, I was already dilated to 1cm and I further dilated to a 3cm and had a bloody show however did hyperstimulate - contracting intensely and dangerously so needed them removed. I then waited to have my waters broken which was finally scheduled for Monday morning, but I went into labour about an hour and a half beforehand. My labour was long and hard
@Becca thanks for sharing 💛
I’ve just had my first baby and had the dilapan rods. It was so uncomfortable having them inserted and they didn’t work for me unfortunately x