I did after 10 days to take the dressing off in the bath. (just hot water no bubbles) My scar wasn't fully healed until about a week ago (little girl born 7th September) but bathing and airing it helped, and keeping it clean and dry after.
I had mine open up so I waited till it closed up again but I think it was around week 6. My health visitor told me you can as soon as you feel able to get in and out the bath and to dry it with the hair dryer after x
I had one 2/3 days after mine cos of the dressing that was protecting the incision
Nhs advices a minimum of 6 weeks as the stitches r dissolvable so a bath can dissolve them before it's ready and can open ur incision up
i think its 6 weeks, but best to probably wait untill your 6/8 week check up, especially if you had issues with it healing
They say 6 weeks but I started to have them around 4 weeks. I just didn’t have bubbles.. I was also able to get in and out the bath and I also used to towel dry (dabbing) then used a hair dryer to dry the rest off x
I was told 6 weeks - however went to my GP at 5 weeks and he gave me the all clear as he said there was no openings in the wound x
When the scar is healed over so nothing can get in
Okays thank you guys well he'll be 7weeks on friday and ive had one tonight so heres hoping all is okay🤞😂Xxx
I’ve been wanting to know this but everyone tells me different think it’s just wait for all okay with dr xx