@Bailey Thank you! With my first I went in early due to close contractions but I lived an hour away so they had me walk around for an hour. Now, I live right by the hospital. My water broke when I was already in the hospital.
I was having moderate contractions lasting about 1-2 min long every 4-18 min for 12 hours with no obvious progression. Called my ob on call line and they said to go in for evaluation. Generally they use the 1,1,5 rule, 1 hour of contractions lasting 1+ min long, less then 5 min apart.
I went to the hospital at 530 this morning!
Typically, they want you to go in when contractions are around 5 minutes apart for around 2 hours OR if your water breaks. Your water doesn’t have to break to be in active labor, so don’t use that as an indicator. If it does break, go. But you might have to go if it doesn’t break also. My water never broke during my last pregnancy until they broke it.