I think they do push a lot of unnecessary things. I had a failed induction last time and they constantly tell me I can schedule another if I want. Or a c section since I had one last time. But ultimately, I told them I really want a natural labor with a vbac. That's what our plan is.
I hate the fact that you guys are having to deal w the pressure of delivering how you do not want. I am not in the same boat but did want to mention about the cervix checks. They are not an exact science. They are estimating based off how much of/many fingers they can get in the cervix and my Dr last appt mentioned my outer cervix was more dilated than inner (which I didn't know was a thing but makes sense when i think about it) so, that may account a bit for the difference of values from 1 to another provider checking...
Oh yeah, I've been declining the cervical checks. I told the doctor they aren't really relevant until labor starts and she agreed lol.
@Gina that is entirely true. Since I am planning an induction, it helps us know where the starting point is and what level/how much intervention should be planned to start with (like if needed to soften/dilate more w vaginal pill, try pitocin for a while or break water and do pitocin if no progress). If going for natural labor, it makes no difference besides your body may already have a minor start.
That makes sense 😊
@JaKeisa I’m in the same boat they told me it was because they can’t handle the contractions and I went into L&D because I having bad ones and my girls heart was going through it, but can you not decline at all, I didn’t because she already has heart problems but I didn’t know you couldn’t decline
@Cece i will see on tuesday. my girl isn’t having any issues at all though. she scored perfectly on the little test they perform to make sure she’s fine. the us showed her practicing her breathing skills (was so cute btw). you can message me and i’ll lyk on tuesday
Yes, last Tuesday I went for my prenatal appointment, he asked me to induce. I’m 39 weeks and it’s my first baby.
I had a successful VBAC2! 5 years ago , my doctor has mentioned risk of uterine rupture as the only risk with going natural
The natural way to deliver a baby is vaginal birth. When c-section wasn’t an option, women had to deliver their baby vaginally. C section is being pushed and especially in ISA, where the rate is much higher than other western countries, simply because of our health care system. Doctors get much more money for C-sections, also, it’s the safest option for them, and much faster than vaginal birth where it may take long hours. For those reasoning, doctors try to push you to have c section! It is purely because it serves their own interest but NOT necessary yours!! There are risks involved c sections as well, such as infection and bad stitching. Unfortunately in USA you must be your own advocate, do your research and always ask what are the risks and request a percentage. Risks are always there in every decision we make, the question is whether the risks are low or high. I hired a doula and found it extremely helpful especially in those situations. Sending you love
@Kloudin 100% I just met with my doula today to prep and she was incredible.. she reminded me that a lot of times they want to get it out and done zzz especially around holidays….this girl is at 38 weeks?….. what’s in three weeks people… Thanksgiving… do the math
because from what i heard it can cause some internal damage if you have a Csection and the try to go the Vaginal route. both my mom and stepmom had csections first the and the doctors very strongly recommended doing a csection again to protect the mom more then the baby. but Idk 🤷🏼♀️
Successful VBAC2 here 🙌🏼 it’s possible
yes mine wants to induce due to iugr. I have 2 other kids that i seemingly never had this with but both were born small and absolutely fine. nothing wrong medically except she feels like she’s not big enough for her gestation. 🙄 i had one full term 38w6d born at 6lbs. One mini preemie 36w6d born at 5lbs. I just turned 37w today and at my appt on tuesday she was 5lbs. My preemie went home in less than 48 hrs same as my full term baby.