I took one earlier in the day and then one vaginally like a few hours ago
@Olivia how do you take it vaginally? I’ve never heard of it, only clary sage oil
It looks like a fish oil pill that you just insert.
I haven't tried clary sage oil. What's that ?
@Olivia you mix a few drops with a carrier oil like grapeseed and pour in a hot bath, it’s ‘supposed’ to bring in labour but I’m not sure 🤣 I used it with my first born and went into Labour the Day after but I was already overdue so could’ve been a coincidence
I used the evening primrose oil vaginally with my first but I was 39 w 3 days and it was the day after a membrane sweep as well. My water just broke tho with no contractions so I had to be induced
How many weeks are you ?
@Olivia 38 weeks tomorrow! I might try that
How do you use primrose oil?