She’s here! 😍😍
It’s finally my turn ladies!!!
My beautiful girl is here!! 😍😍 I was supposed to be induced at the 39 week mark because she was measuring small. However, she wanted to come at her own time! She came at 37 weeks and 4 days.
Early labor 2 days
Active labor 11 hours.
I got the epidural at 6 cm and had my water broken. About an hour after it was time to push. Pushed for another 1 and 44 minutes.
They tried to stay away from an episiotomy but I was stuck when crowning no matter how hard I pushed/ breathed through it so a small incision was made and she was born.
The best day of my life when I got to hold her in my arms.
Wishing all the mamas out there a safe and healthy delivery! 🙏🏽
Congratulations! Our birth stories are so similar. Hope you recover well🤍