Sleep bags aren’t recommended for newborns, they have to be a certain weight before they can use one x
@Jodie yeah we’ve ordered some newborn ones, and then just the usual ones from shop 0-6 months. I’ve been told the newborn ones should be fine xx
They give you a blanket at the hospital usually x
The hospitals are so warm that a blanket will be fine x
Take a cellular blanket, often babies don’t safely fit the sleeping bags at first until they’ve grown a little bit. If you do take one to the hospital also remember they’re usually boiling hot so a 0.5 or 1 tog only.
Most sleep bags have a weight recomendation and my babies have always been under the weight, I wouldnt take one to hospital. We will be using cellular blankets and baby positioned feet to foot until she fits the sleep bags. I've always been advised by midwives not to swaddle as it increases the risk of sids. Blankets are provided whilst in hospital
@Jodie where have you heard this info? I have used the love to dream swaddle sleep sacks with my first from newborn and will be with this baby too x
We just took a blanket but tbh I didn’t think we’d be staying over night! He was fine in said blanket though x