I had a vaginal with my first and just had a c section with my 2nd. The first two weeks I found really hard because I couldn’t do anything for my toddler and found the recovery more painful than I had expected BUT keep on top of the meds and just be patient those first two weeks, I’m now 4 weeks PP and I’m doing lots more for baby and toddler, don’t need pain meds etc just taking it easy and riding it out til 6 weeks when I can drive again to start getting back to ‘normal’z it’s completely different experience to vaginal, my c section was so calm and felt in very safe hands. You’ll be great just give yourself time and space to recover before you try and do too much x
My first 3 were vaginal. My 4th was an emergency csection. I'm due very soon with my 5th and am trying for a vbac. Csection is a longer recovery, but it's manageable. You prob will need help with your toddler bc you're gonna need and want to rest the first week afterward. Best of luck!
I've only ever had a c section but biggest things are high waisted underwear and bagging clothes and pain medication