It might not be the case for you, but we all have to learn from somewhere. My dad told me to never ever ever stop talking. I don’t think he meant constantly talk none stop about everything but within any relationship you have, the only way forward is through. Talking is the way. I didn’t get a lot of context through this so excuse me if I have misjudged but by the sound of it, you both struggle to communicate?
I feel like there is a balance. You can’t expect them to read your mind, but you also shouldn’t have to guide their every action; because if they care they would listen to you express your feelings the couple times and work to change and do/not do what you’ve asked them to. Make sure you’re communicating, and you may have to do it often at the start. Like once a week sit down and talk and check in with each other on whatever it is you’re working through. I think the key is you both need to share your thoughts and feelings, and both be willing to work on your side of things, and work together on some things to improve whatever it is.
Honestly you’ve answered your own question. Keep trying to communicate. I was in this place. I went into my own little shell because I was so frustrated and felt stuck. I had to ask myself a few questions. Is this the person I want to be with for the rest of my life? Am I going to take no for an answer? How do I want my relationship to develop? What can help? Sometimes even writing about it, putting it on paper can help. It’s showing you how much work you’re putting into looking after yourself as well. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a big hug. Sometimes you need to let things go. Or if communication isn’t working, there are other routes as well. Like seeing a therapist that can help both of you communicate healthily and effectively. 9 times out of then the reason me and my partner argue is because of communication. We both lack those skills because neither of us had a good understanding growing up. His parents taught him the opposite to what my parents taught me