@Lindsey I’m sure you were enough! Relationships are hard work because it's two flawed people getting together and trying to create something beautiful. It takes work, vulnerability, commitment and dying to self (compromise/putting the other person first in non-abusive situations). Unfortunately, not all people are honest about whether they can weather the storms. I hope you find true happiness and accept that you are enough even with your flaw 🌻
Thank you 😭
I have absolutely felt that way, especially while pregnant with my daughter. My husband and I separated when she was 10 months old and I've had a lot of processing to do. When I get stuck I try to reframe my thoughts. I didn't deserve the treatment He gave me becomes now I know what I want and deserve and I won't settle for less again. We can't do anything to change what has happened, but we can change our actions so it doesn't happen again ❤️ Hold on mama, better things to come.
All the time. The last time I felt like someone truly loved me and would do anything for me was when I was 15 (almost 30 years ago 🤣).
Yes, I feel like I was never enough, and I just want to be loved flaws and all.