I had sex through my whole pregnancy just the bigger I got we had to think of different positions
We always say aslong as there’s no kissing involved it’s fine. Me and my partner still do it unless he’s really really sick we just avoid kissing during in the mean time if we don’t want to wait
ya if you feel strong enough too than do it. If you still out of it kinda but you both want to have him be on top and do all the work tbh. Just do what u guys are comfortable with
I didn't know. I just found out today.. some girl had disabled baby born month early and they couldn't figure out why. In UK. She wad probably 19 or something but doc asked her if she remembered being sick really sick in early pregnancy..I think that what they said. Any way she remembered her husband super sick and she caught it.. whatever it was...I didn't know that was a thing..Doctor don't mention it! So sad..
If you feel well enough to and want to, outside a doctor saying no you need to rest, go for it