I panicked at every pain it’s for sure Braxton hicks or round ligament the worst pain I felt was when my baby turned to if your baby turned down towards your pelvis it could be that also ! Aslong as there’s no bleeding or intolerable extreme pain there should be no worries
I think it’s better if you tell your midwife as she knows better :) hopefully it’s nothing serious
It’s a ligament pain (my GP’s verdict). Well, it was in my case, I had it for a month or so. It got better now and only happens sometimes when I walk uphill. Exactly the same place - right side of lower abdomen. But of course, maybe worth talking with your midwife.
Could be round ligament pain or even a small braxton hicks! If you’re worried defo check with your midwife or maternity triage! I get these pains quite often and they are bad but baby’s moving growing and everything is squashed and moving around so it would be weird if we got nothing at all! X