38 +2 today and still pregnant but i’m getting induced on friday
39 weeks
And one day and I'm still pregnant
Yes ! I am 38+5 today and I am soooo eager to see him
Still pregnant 39 weeks 3 days
38 + 6 and very ready to go into labor
My baby came at 38+4, he still might come today for you hahaha
39+4 still pregnant🥲
39+2 pumped and went walking and up and down stairs still nothing besides cramps lol
@Emilee pumping after a membrane sweep started my labour, I was 15 mins into the session when it started 😅 I thought I was delusional and it was false labour
40+2 still pregnant
@JaKeisa any particular reason? Or you just asked your ob?
@Jessica due to iugr…i don’t believe she’s gonna be as small as they think though. i’ve always had 5-6lb babies.
@Agnes how far were you when you did a membrane sweep ? You doc recommended or you asked for it ?
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@Jessica I was 38+3. I’ve just answered your other post as well
My baby came at 38+5☺️