@Lauren it’s very tricky. I did try give him lil whole milk but he flatly refused/refuses. Won’t take bottle or sippy cup managed for a week to give it to him in porridge at night but he stopped that.
Same here! My son is 16mo and needs to nurse for comfort multiple times throughout the night, every night. Very exhausted. He never took a bottle or pacifier so it’s really only me who can help him and I’m starting to feel burned out.
We do yoghurt pouches & pediasure on ice & call it a milk shake as a before bed snack I also sleep with a sports bra or a tshirt on the nights I’m trying to avoid a lot of feeds. Out of sight out of sleepy mind
No advice, but you’re not alone. My son woke multiple times a night to nurse until he was about 2 and a half. Then it was once per night and finally night weaned at 3 years old
Kinda went through this, you may have to increase his protein during the day, like WHOLE milk yogurt and especially for dinner. Night weaning is ruff