I have this and so does my SIL. The one thing I’ve noticed has made a slight difference is using one of these pillows! https://www.matalan.co.uk/home-accessories/cream-teddy-cuddle-cushion/15291939.html?switchcurrency=GBP&shippingcountry=GB&creative=701261907109&keyword=&matchtype=&network=g&device=m&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=21354215494&cq_term=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_plt=gp&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADw_vh1tSCMiOxpmewqwGwsbFLT3t&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6Ou5BhCrARIsAPoTxrBpEs8Hn0TLjKzHWCulvvz2YZRIH_MgHMn0gmSxOaU39RIXBiuG2_gaAiGGEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
@Becky ohh I just dug mine out and will give that a try! Thank you 🙏 hopefully it’s gets better for you!
@Julie ✝️ ❤️🙏 Thank you! I’ll keep a close eye!
@Jessie Thank you!
I asked my midwife today as I’ve been getting a horrible burning feeling right below my ribs and she said it’s everything being pushed upwards to make space for baby
Me too! And below my right rib, it's so annoying! The only thing I have found that helps is heat, I use a hot water bottle when it gets bad (tends to be in the afternoon for me)