I had HG with both my pregnancies and highly recommend shelling out for Bonjesta, even if your insurance doesn’t cover it. They will tell you it’s the same as unisom and B6 but it is NOT, the time release of Bonjesta makes it significantly more effective. It took me from carrying doggy poop bags to vomit in at all times to puking maybe 1-2x a day.
Some people are ignorant unless they experience it themselves
I've had HG with 2 of my babies. His comment would annoy me, but wouldn't change anything I'd do to look after myself or my baby. Does he expect you to turn up to work with your IV in? 😂 Or on a good day being sick only 6/7 times in the day 👌 some people are so ignorant.
Sorry I misread the question. I answered 'No', as in no it wouldn't bother me if you were off work. I should've answered 'yes' the guys comments would annoy me too. He sounds like an ignorant a**hole.
Had a similar thing with an older coworker, she’d never had children/never been pregnant, I had HG and was hospitalised for 3 months. She constantly said how she’s come into work when she’s had a headache or felt sick etc. absolutely drove me mad.
I hope he gets sciatica on both sides of his body.
Still trying to come to work* is what I meant to say (pregnancy brain)