I know when I’ve looked up what makes the Braxton hicks happen it says anything. Full bladder, just emptied bladder, moving too much, not moving enough, being on feet, not being on feet etc all can make them happen. Makes no sense at all but 🤷♀️ lol
^@Bree exactly lol. They can be very annoying and I also get them allllllll the time. The other night they were happening so frequently I was like maybe I should start timing them, so I did then they stopped lol.
@Bree yes these are all the normal reasons I’ve been getting them the past couple months, but suddenly I can’t walk five steps without getting another one. Sitting down didn’t stop them. Like @Rachel I started timing them today and the app said they were still Braxton hicks, but I literally feel like I’ve been doing crunches for the past 7 hours, my stomach is so sore.
I’ve been having them since 28 weeks and I’m now 36 weeks. It comes and goes. I use a heating pad and rest when it happens. Stay hydrated as well. My doctor’s office told me if the symptoms worsen to let them know. When I have them, sometimes it’s intense and painful then there’s times that it’s tighten and uncomfortable. I’m 1cm dilated and baby is head down. I’m trying to take it easy as I want to make it to at least the first week of December. With my first, it was VERY intense. It woke me up from my sleep. My lower back was hurting. I tried to take a warm shower. Nothing helped. It was hurting so bad that I woke my husband up because I was in so much pain 😭
Might have to drink more water. Ik being dehydrated can cause that. Or it might just be the weight of baby on your pelvis