@Julia ok what do u think he will do because baby is head down
They will just wait until you go into labor. You’re technically full term at 37 weeks so you’re safe to deliver anytime now. They aren’t going to induce you unless there’s a complication or you are unable to go into labor naturally. My baby has been head down since 30 weeks, they’re just getting situated, that isn’t concerning at all.
@Samantha okay thank you
Why are you taking castor oil at 37 weeks? 37 weeks isn’t technically full term, so that’s a dangerous game to play. I wouldn’t recommend castor oil until after 40 weeks and even then, you should be aware of the risks of it. If you think the risks outweigh the benefits, then go for it. But not at 37 weeks mama. I’m sure your doctor will discourage you from doing it again and may run some tests to make sure baby is ok. They will not induce before 39 weeks unless there is a medical reasons. Weeks 37 and 38 are vital for healthy development.