I would get rid of pull ups and get pants full time, the only way he will realise is if he is uncomfortable and will stop doing it. Worked with my son and he was a similar age. It’s not great and you get through a lot of underwear at first but it’s really effective x
@Becky yeah and I have tried just keeping him in underwear at home and he just poops in them because of the comfort of having something on instead of pulling them down. He will pull them down to pee for the most part though.
@Leah just let him walk around in underwear or underwear and pants?
So does he wear underwear at school and then poop in his underwear? I think you need to ditch the pull-ups all together as this is confusing, and instead of being naked at home, have him wear underwear and trousers like he would outside, then just keep teaching him that he needs to go to the toilet or potty for wees and poos. Is he just constantly naked from the waist down at home then wears underwear and pants pullups at nursery?