@Mia I have, I tried voicing them to my consultant last week, for him to respond with “I can’t take away your worries” and I felt completely disregarded I ended up getting really upset in the room and leaving and then phoning the hospital later on the day to request a second opinion with a different consultant. I was booked in with that consultant for last Friday but unfortunately I got there and my appointment was with a midwife who explained the consultant had called in sick last minute so she wasn’t able to see me. I spoke to her about my concerns, and I was experiencing reduced movements at the time so she advised that I went straight to triage for monitoring and to then speak with one of the on call consultants at that hospital. Ctg was absolutely fine and consultant there had no concerns regarding it but I then tried to tell him about my concerns and again I just got palmed off pretty much, he said my Doppler scans and growth scans are fine, ctg’s have been absolutely fine and
that I should wait until my next growth scan at 38+3 to see if anything has changed. It’s honestly all been so draining, since 30 weeks I’ve been up to triage for reduced movements 8 or 9 times now but because all ctg’s are fine they don’t really look any further into it x
Hiya. I’m sorry you’re feeling your concerns aren’t being heard by your health professionals. The truth is that baby is likely fine as your scans and CTGs have been normal However if you’re having persistent reduced fetal movement above 37/40 you can be offered an induction. Personally I would request an induction of labour due to persistent reduced fetal movements despite the normal scan and CTGs. This will need to be approved by a consultant but I reckon if you went into your appointment asking for it they are less likely to say now. I hope all works out well for you and baby 🤎
Have you voiced your concerns based on your experience last time with your LG?? I was induced with my LG due to a drop off in her weight and advised that, coupled with the 3 episodes of reduced movement that I’d been in for during my pregnancy, it was the best plan of action. I’d contact your midwife and discuss your concerns, see if she can’t make an apt for you to speak to the hospital about it x