Being a dad doesn’t mean being a good partner it’s something I learned being pregnant and having a baby, my child’s father is wonderful with our daughter but sometimes he isnt a good partner and tends to think about himself a lot, like for example I told him I had been feeling like I’m not enough lately and not sexy and that I want to feel like he wants me and he told me even if I told you were beautiful everyday you would still feel the same and that I should think about how he would feel telling him that like he’s a bad boyfriend and then when I explained this had nothing to do with him and maybe he should think about how I feel, I had just had a baby and am juggling everything and the house and we started arguing and somewhere in that argument he said I’m miserable and in that instance I learned I was, I was miserable around him cause he made me feel unloved, unappreciated, and like I was bother all the time and that opened my eyes to start fixing my life so I could leave
Don’t let any man make you feel uncomfortable or sad in the one place you’re supposed to run to for love and comfort.
PM me if you need to talk more ❤️ you’re not alone and things can get better with or without him.
Has he tried therapy for it? It is an addiction after all and he has shown he isn’t able to overcome it on his own. Of course he has to be willing and wanting to change.
Don’t give him an ultimatum but let him know what he must do to keep you mentally and physically healthy. If he think your expectations are unrealistic then you’ll know that he doesn’t want to change. But hopefully he will be willing to grow as you all continue to change as you get older 💕
I read this and this happened to me I don’t know what to say but me and sons father have a second child on the way and I don’t understand but after you have a child with someone you really see there true colors my brother had got killed a week after having my baby I had a c-section and my sons dad was having sex with another woman and even had the audacity to have her come to my house. I wanted to kill my self he called me names and everything but a child of God and I really set myself up by getting pregnant again if it helps get a therapist. Love yourself your are enough don’t let that man get to you because he wants to be a horny freak. Always put yourself for first for you and your daughter