I was like this with my first. For me it was the anxiety of not being awake and knowing they were okay. Could you try pinpoint why you can’t sleep? I found the more I overthought sleeping the more I struggled to sleep. I know it’s tough but hopefully your body allows you to get some more rest x
I’m going through the exact same thing. Exhausted but couldn’t sleep when closing my eyes. Could be there 2 hrs and no sleep. I’m going to speak to my doctor at 6 week pp check next week. However I do have a cold and took night nurse last night and it’s the best night sleep I had since little one has been here. Certainly not a long term solution but it helped me last night 😊
@Saffron yes still taking my vitamins! Ahhh yeah I was taking magnesium during pregnancy because I struggled to sleep then too and I think it helped so I’ll have to give that a go again- thanks for reminding me because my brain isn’t working 🥴 no I actually do not have caffeine, don’t drink any coffee or tea so it’s strange! Thank you lovely x
Just like Naomi I was the same with my first, it's like anxiety and feeling worried, I couldn't drift off. Now that I've had my second I've got the doctor to prescribe me something on a low dose but so im not sleeping too deep to hear baby. I realised that it wasn't something that was going to change and being up already in the night with a newborn and the demands of the day, it wasn't worth losing the Little bit of sleep I could get. Hopefully you can find a solution it's horrible otherwise, because you can develop other health conditions due to lack of sleep x
@Naomi yeah I’m getting that but also wondering when she’s going to wake up next and basically counting down the minutes until her next feed roughly and getting worked up over not getting any sleep so it’s just a vicious cycle really 🥲 and yeah the more worked up I get the more difficult it is to sleep! Thanks lovely, I hope so too x
@Danielle oh bless you, I’m exactly the same 😟 just lying there for two hours unable to sleep, it’s horrible isn’t it!! I didn’t mention it at my appointment but now I wish I had but I might just ask for an appointment. Aw really, at least you had one good sleep last night! Fingers crossed it gets better for you too x
Awww I’ve been through this and it’s sooo tough. Are you still taking your vitamins? Sometimes magnesium can help, even magnesium gel or oil rubbed on your feet and legs before bed. Are you drinking any caffeine? If so I would cut it out totally. I hope it gets easier for you x