Picky sleeper

My 10 day old son is super picky on where he sleeps at night. He will just completely decide he doesn't want his crib after a feed or change. This makes it tricky for me to get to sleep again as well. As he will only either settle on me(or his dad) or in the moses basket in our lounge. Anyone else had this issue?
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Yep... I slept on the sofa last nite as little man decided the buggy was the only place to sleep

Have you tried a swaddle? When you say crib, is it a cot?

Sorry yes. Cot. So we have what is technically a next to me cot but it doesn't fit next to our bed so it's in the room but not next to the bed. Heard mixed messages about swaddling.

Swaddle definitely we have 5 hours last night with the swaddle and after feed another 4 could not believe it zz

Defo would swaddle. The startle reflex will probably keep disturbing them x

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