Contact naps

Anyone's baby still a 100% contact napper in the day time? How are you handling it? Do you have any plans to try transition away? And how? I cannot put her down ANYWHERE but between 7pm and 7am she will be in her crib no problem. I appreciate that lots of people couldn't accept this from the start due to work/other children / no help but I haven't had the same pressures. We have regularly tried to put her in her pram/crib even our bed but no success.
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Up until a few weeks ago I had the exact same! As much as I adore the cuddles I was getting quite overwhelmed as I was barely able to do much around the house/for myself. Little one would happily sleep in her crib at night but only ever on me/in the car when moving for naps. She wouldn’t even sleep in the pram! I had to start doing some gentle sleep training for her day time naps using the pick up put down method. It was a rough few days to begin with but now she will happily take naps in her crib. I have blackout blinds and white noise machine on for all naps in there and bedtime. It could be coincidence but as soon as I put the noise on and shut out the light it’s like she knows it’s time for sleep now. I still use the pick up put down method and she’s usually asleep within 5/10 mins of being put down. Hope that’s helps x

Thank you! Now might be a good time then as its the first week she's ever properly fallen asleep in her pram 🤣 I even managed to bring her inside and she stayed asleep for 30 minutes - it was surreal 🤣 How have you been able to put her down? I mean, once she seems sleepy or do you rock her for a bit something first?xx

@Erin also do you now do 100% crib naps or 50/50? as one thing that did make life easier with contact naps is that she'd sleep anywhere 😅 (like in a restaurant or visiting someone)

No problem! God I am still praying for the day my little one falls asleep in the pram🤣 So the pick up put down method teaches them to self settle and send themselves to sleep! So I just feed and burp her, we have a little cuddle and then l put her down in her crib awake! If you’re happy to, feel free to private message me and I’ll share the step by step with you!!😌 We just do naps however they suit us now - if we’re home she’ll go in her crib, if we were in the car she’ll nap there or if it suits us she’ll contact nap. I was nervous that the occasional contact nap might have an effect on her not wanting to be in her crib for them anymore but it hasn’t had any negative impact!!Xxx

We only do one contact nap a day which is late afternoon x

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