Toddler isn’t sleeping in their bed?

My toddler is 2 years and 4 months old. And she has decided that she wants to be in our bed. Sometimes if she falls asleep we will carry her and put her own room. But hours later she will be crying for us and ends up back in bed with us! Does anyone else have this problem?
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Yes please help me too. My son has slept in his own room in his own bed since 3 months old and then we moved him to his toddler bed from his crib like 2 months ago and now we will go to sleep in his room as long as me or his dad stay in there until he’s asleep but once he wakes up he’s in our bed. I wake up every morning and he’s in my bed.

I feel like a toddler floor bed and u lay with her and then leave ?

Yes! But we co slept and she just feels safe comfy with us I persume. Barely ever slept through. It's draining but it's life - hoping she'll just grow out of it. When she's not in with us I wake up panicked she's not woke in the night.. we did have a period where she slept in her own bed all Night. Don't get me wrong she always stares in her own room. We got a night light which helped and stopped juice overnight I know this is common sense but she wouldn't drink water xx

In the same boat. My little girl used to love her bed, would even ask to go. Would sleep 12-14 hours without a stir. Now she hates her room, her bed and wont even go in it in the evening, shes been falling asleep on the sofa and then in the middle of the night shes been coming in to our bed! I hate it as i just cant sleep with her in with us, she moves too much and theres just not enough room! This all started when she was still in a cot, we changed her to a toddler bed but its not changed, only difference now is that she can get out and come to us. Just now she got up and scared us in the living room, went back to sleep on the sofa (were in a flat) so we waited till she went back to sleep to put her back in bed 🫠 losing the will as ive not slept properly in a long time. Shes developed alot of fears lately too so im thinking thats a big factor in it so maybe your little one is experiencing something similar. 🤷‍♀️ hope it all goes back to normal soon x

@Yaz This sounds similar to us!! I also have a 6 month old. So we don’t know if it’s something to do with that also! So some nights we have 4 in the bed and it’s a little crowded! 😂 I think like you say they are learning new things and fears! Hope it goes back to normal for you too 🤞🏻 X

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