We use size 4 in the day but size 5 nappy pants overnight and that seems to hold for 12 hours pampers overnight, Tesco in the day
I Tesco 4 by day and Pampers 4 at night (she was on Papamers 3 til last week). I was gifted some Pampers pull ups and wasn’t a fan so back to regular style we’ve used them up.
I found they wee loads more when going from BF to Formula, so sized up on a night x
Tescos day and night for us we have been in them from 2 and she’s now in 4 and nothing we’ve tried have worked so well!
My baby is almost in size 7😳😳
Have you tried a bigger size vest? I've noticed that sometimes the vest is too tight so it kinda squeezes the nappy and makes it leek.
Size up nappies and vests, I find it helps and I used lidl lupilo nappies they are thinner cheaper but last a long time and also used pampers size 3 too. Both don't leak for me.
Are the tabs sitting quite tight or loose in the 4s? I found if they didn't fit my boys thighs they'd leak, he's on 5+ now cause he's a chunky lad 🤣 (in pampers as well)