I had numerous pessaries at the QEUH over the course of 3 days before I (eventually!) gave birth and they let my husband stay the whole time. I’m not sure if it was allowed but they definitely never asked him to leave!
I was induced in October at princess royal maternity in Glasgow and my partner was allowed to stay the whole time. When I arrived to be induced they took me to my own room where I stayed until I went into labour; I ended up having an emergency c-section and even when I was moved onto the ward he had the option to stay with me x
Depends where you are in Fife they let your partner stay with you during induction
If you’re admitted most hospitals have visiting times. I was at Royal Alexandra Hospitsl in Glasgow and husband had to leave every evening, visiting was 10-10. I had balloon induction for 24 hours at home which was successful, I was admitted at 6pm and told there would be a long wait for a space on delivery suite for me for them to break my waters and they told my husband to go home and sleep. Husband left at 10pm. We live an hour away. They took me down at 1am so had to call husband and he travelled all the way back then 🙈 Baby boy was born via emergency c section at 6pm the next day after 15 hours in labour on the drip. It took longer to stitch me as I was bleeding so wasn’t back to the ward until 10pm, husband had to leave even though I was still numb from the chest down, high as a kite from whatever meds they gave me with my couple hours old baby. That was really really tough. Physically and mentally. X