My little boy absolutely LOVES brushing his teeth, like when I mention it he will run to the bathroom and get everything he needs. When we first started brushing his teeth we got two toothbrushes, one for him to independently chew on to get him used to the feeling in his mouth around the age of 12 months, but also we then slowly introduced another where I would actively brush his teeth. There was some push back to start with but now he has now issues at all, I allowed him to rinse his toothbrush and get as actively involved in the process as I could. I also made sure I brushed my teeth at the same time so he saw me doing it, therefore picking up on what I am doing. He now brushes his front teeth all by himself, but I just help him with the back ones. You’ve got this!
@Amy I’ll definitely have to get another toothbrush for him to chew on, that’s smart! I had a lot of hope because he seemed to like it at first but now he tried to wrestle me whenever it is time to brush his teeth lol. But hopefully I can get him to the stage your son is at!
My boy is 2.5 years old and use to hate it too but he loves hello Duggee and because of the toothbrushing badge episode we sing the tune to it when he brushes his teeth that they do in the episode and he loves it
We have always struggled with our daughter’s teeth. The only way we can get them done properly is to lay her on her back with her head between your legs and arms poking out so she physically can’t move. She is now 2.5 and we are still having to do this most days, occasionally she lets us do it “like a big girl” and will sit and open her mouth willingly but not very often.