Yes! It’s so painful, I walk for about 5-10 minutes and it starts, I try to walk as slow as I can as I find if I walk fast it kicks off more, my midwife suggested a pregnancy belt which I haven’t tried yet but might be an option x
Thanks for replying ladies. How long have you had it. It started week 16 and I’m now week 26! I have a belt and it defo helps.
Hi ladies!! Hope you’re well! I’ve been having immense pain but cannot tell if it’s round ligament pains. Would you describe it similar to period cramps? I just want to be sure so I can take the appropriate precautions 🙏
I’m currently 26+5 and I’m experiencing pain which sometimes is round ligament pain and sometimes it’s more in my pelvis, although it’s not every time I walk and I’m not too sure what makes it worse. The belt definitely helps matters but I must admit I forget to put it on!!! I took the dog out for a walk this morning and after about 20 mins I felt heaviness in my belly so had to come back. To those of you who do yoga - do you attend a local group? I’m struggling to find one close enough that does days I can attend, can anyone recommend any videos etc I can do at home? Also my pains don’t feel like cramps @Hatice so I’d say it might be worth speaking to your midwife to check
Thank you ladies, will defo speak to a midwife 🤰🙏 Someone on Reddit suggested this but I haven’t done it yet.
@Rosie 🙏 thank you!
No suggestions sadly but thought I'd let you know you're not alone. I'm the same though it's my left side. My midwife spoke to my gp and I was prescribed some codeine to take on bad days long as I don't do it everyday. I've also attended 2 physios who said uunfortunately you can't make it better but exercises can make it more manageable x